Now that Devin has returned to school I need a way to pass the time. I have found that keeping myself busy daily and planning events helps with the long months. So I have decided to give you a peek into my months ahead.
I will be heading to Seattle on October 1st – October 15th Thanks to my brother and Sarah for inviting me and helping pay for half the ticket. I am super excited!!!!!
Then I will come back to get ready for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I love this time of the year.
January starts us all over with birthdays.
April will be a good month because I will be celebrating Natalia’s birthday and welcoming the newest member of the familyJ If you didn’t get that I AM PREGNANT!!! I am only about 6 weeks but I have decided to share the news with everyone except Natalia. I don’t want to tell her until she can see my tummy getting bigger and bigger. I know she will be so excited and I will video it all when we decide to tell her.